March 4, 2017: Message from Ashleigh

Hey everyone!!

First of all, I would like to apologize that its been two months into the new year and I still haven’t sent out a monthly newsletter or haven’t posted any new blog posts recently.

Real live has taken over, but I have been working on a series of new posts with my blog’s new co-writer, Jackson LeBeau.

My blog, Ashliegh’s Music Corner, is not only getting a new co-writer, but also guest writers as well!!! As long with a new name! I’m happy to finally announce that Ashleigh’s Music Corner will now be called Ashleigh & Jackson’s Music Corner.

I just wanted to take a moment this afternoon and thank everyone who has subscribed to our mailing list for updates on our blog!

Thank you so much to everyone who has subscribed!!

Come next month, we’re hoping to have some exciting news to announce for our blog!!

Nothing is completely final just yet, but our figures are crossed! That’s one of the reasons why you haven’t got a newsletter yet. Both Jackson and I have been talking about expanding our blog along with all our friends and family and are concerting about possibly writing a book inspired by both our blog and devotional type books. It will feature life lessons that both Jackson and I, along with all our friends and family experienced over the years.

One year ago, on February 2, 2015, I posted my very first Featured Artist of the Month article on CoffeeLab Records recording artist, Jackson LeBeau & Co., it was my very first article that I ever wrote and I’ve been enjoying writing featured articles ever since!!!

My first articles of 2017 included:
Featured Artist of the Month: Amelia Eisenhauer and my very first in person interview with Featured Artist and new co-writer, Jackson LeBeau on his new debut record “Start A Fire”.

We hope everyone is having a great to the new year! I know, I am!!
This year has a lot in store and I can’t wait too share it with you all!

I promise, now that I have people following this site, and more help in writing the blog, we will try to keep you all updated as much as possible!

If you have Facebook or Google+, you’re more then welcome following any of them sites as well for my regular blog posts updates! I also have a Pinterest page for my blog (that I know is still needs updated.)

Again, thank you so much by joining my mailing list!!!
You don’t know how much it truly means to me!
~ Ashleigh